Monday, 28 August 2017

Exclusive Buy-1-Get-1 Sale on Future Festival Tickets

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Greetings !

TODAY ONLY we're running a special buy-1-get-1 deal on Future Festival tickets! That means that for the price of just 1 ticket, you can bring a colleague, client, or friend along for FREE!

WHY BRING A FRIEND: We want to make you BETTER and FASTER, and we've created an epic 3-day innovation program to do just that! 97% rate Future Festival the best innovation event and 85% rate it the best business event they've ever attended. So join 700+ of the world's top innovators in Toronto for a specialized program designed to inspire innovative thinking and help you prepare for the years ahead.

To take advantage of this exclusive offer, click HERE.


Jeremy Gutsche
CEO, Author & Keynote Speaker -
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P.S. Here's my innovation keynote schedule:

Consumer Insights
Automated Coaching
Digitized work aids target employers as well as employees Implications - The digitization and subequent gamification of the workplace has thus far targeted the Millennial employee, not the Gen X employer. This change enters its next phase with services... [More]
P2P Hospitality
Big brand hotels adopt newer business models to attract younger travelers Implications - To stay ahead of the unprecedented growth seen by the share economy and companies like AirBnB, hospitality brands are finding creative ways to join them rather than beat them. Through... [More]
Large Format Retail
Brands open mega flagship stores to entice consumers to stay longer Implications - As emerging trends in ecommerce have major impacts on brick and mortar retail spaces, retail brands are launching massive flagship stores in order to reposition themselves and create... [More]
Immersive Social
Digital communication taps into VR and AR technology Implications - Snapchat filters represent the first iteration of everyday consumers using AR to communicate; the next phase sees more technologically advanced, highbrow use of immersive tech. This... [More]
Antistress Academia
Brands are promoting back to school with nonchalance Implications - Recognizing the strain of back-to-school-blues, brands are combating feelings of stress through more lighthearted marketing. In the age of social media and constant connection,... [More]

Hot This Week

1. Vibrantly Dreamy Poolside Editorials

The 'Dreamer Pool' Editorial is Both Vintage and Elegant

2. Storage Closet Bed Frames

The Parisot 'Space Up' Double Storage Beds Maximize Functionality

3. Mathematical Desktop Toys

The 'Oloid' Desk Sculpture is Designed Mathematically Perfect

4. Futuristic Sauce Packaging

Haven's Kitchen Sauces Are Contained in Distinct Transparent Packs

5. DIY Eclipse-Viewing Goggles

Corona's Eclipse Glasses Can Be Made from Its 12-Pack Box

6. High-Functioning Smart Backpacks

The Ghost Backpack Comes with a Variety of Safety Features

7. Customizable Room Dividers

'Patchwork' Helps Solve a Cohabitation Privacy Issues

8. Multipurpose Key Organizers

The Keyport 'Pivot' Multi-Tool Keychain Keeps Essentials on Hand

9. Collaborative Tanned Leather Sneakers

Adidas and Hender Scheme Designed Beige-Toned Sneakers

Featured Clusters

18 Examples of Satirical Streetwear

From Designer Parody Lines to Ironically Luxurious Apparel

40 Solid Personal Care Products

These Unique Personal Care Products Come in Bar and Stick Forms

Learn How 500 of the World's
Top Innovators Rely on TrendHunter


48 Presentations on Community

From Misogynist Internet Conventions to Revamping Urban Politics

20 Speeches on Management

From Results-Only Work Environments to Ensuring Productivity


20 Branded App Innovations

From Foundation-Matching Apps to Fast Food Delivery App Collaborations

23 Examples of Millennial Non-Branding

From Branded Streetwear Bricks to Feminine Canned Wines

Pop Culture

24 Beauty and the Beast Collectibles

From Opulent Rose Accessories to Fantasy Princess Fragrances

28 Fidget Toy Products

From Programmable Fidget Spinners to Concentration-Enhancing Toys


50 At-Home Gaming Innovations

From Compact Gaming PC Systems to Art-Based Mobile Games

17 Examples of Sharing-Enabled Travel Tech

From Real-Time Travel Apps to Social Media Cameras

Art & Design

32 Holographic Products

From Vivid Candy Clutches to Shattered Glass Manicures

15 Millennial-Focused Texting Innovations

From AI Butler Apps to Combination Messaging Tools


30 Examples of Sustainable Food Packaging

From Hybrid Meal Deliveries to Food Waste Pasta Boxes

50 Examples of Gen-Z Entertainment

From Playroom-Inspired Cinemas to Immersive Ice Cream Museums


Aged Alcohol Timepieces

The Glenlivet 1862 Whisky Watch Has the World's Oldest Scotch Inside It

Iconic 90s Fashion Editorials

This New Fear of God Editorial Takes Cues from 'Grunge & Glory'


20 Innovative Metallic Cosmetics

From Liquid Chrome Manicures to Metallic Foil Freckles

23 Whiskey-Inspired Products

From Whiskey-Scented Dry Shampoos to Booze-Infused Pretzels

African-Inspired Fashion Styles

The Value of Social Businesses

11 Unreasonable Launchpad Ventures

15 Sustainable Approaches to Food

13 Talks on Finding Work

10 Truly Inspired Business Speeches

Trend Hunter
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